March 23, 2021 Regular City Council Meeting
CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: » - A. 7:00 P.M. Call the Meeting to Order
A. 7:00 P.M. Call the Meeting to Order»
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS: » - A. Public Communications
A. Public Communications»
CONSENT CALENDAR: » - A. Approval of Minutes B. Adoption of Ordinance No. 1864 C. Adoption of Ordinance No. 1865 D. Acceptance of Final Map for Tract No. 20050 E. Accept as Complete Oak Grove Park and Valley Oak Park within the Arboretum Specific Plan F. Approve a Bond Reduction for Tract No. 17041 Backbone Infrastructure located within the Citrus Heights North Specific Plan (Shady Trails) G. General Plan Annual Report 2020 H. Police Department Monthly Information Update I. Resolution of the Governing Body of the City of Fontana Authorizing Participation in the State Rental Assistance Program J. SP-37-PW-21 Weed Abatement and Pesticide Spraying
A. Approval of MinutesB. Adoption of Ordinance No. 1864
C. Adoption of Ordinance No. 1865
D. Acceptance of Final Map for Tract No. 20050
E. Accept as Complete Oak Grove Park and Valley Oak Park within the Arboretum Specific Plan
F. Approve a Bond Reduction for Tract No. 17041 Backbone Infrastructure located within the Citrus Heights North Specific Plan (Shady Trails)
G. General Plan Annual Report 2020
H. Police Department Monthly Information Update
I. Resolution of the Governing Body of the City of Fontana Authorizing Participation in the State Rental Assistance Program
J. SP-37-PW-21 Weed Abatement and Pesticide Spraying
A. Quarterly Lien Action for Delinquent Sewer, Rubbish and Weed Abatement Accounts
A. Quarterly Lien Action for Delinquent Sewer, Rubbish and Weed Abatement Accounts
B. Appeal No. 21-001: A Request to Overturn the Planning Commission’s Decision on February 2, 2021, Approving Master Case No. 19-131 for Tentative Parcel Map No. 20196 (TPM No.19-020) and Design Review No. 19-041 along with the Adoption of an Initial Study, Mitigated Negative Declaration, and Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Program to Consolidate Two (2) Parcels into One (1) Parcel of Approximately 5.8 Acres and for a Proposed Warehouse Building Totaling Approximately 115,100 Square Feet on the West Side of Mango Avenue, North of Sierra Lakes Parkway (APNS: 1119-221-64 & -68)
B. Appeal No. 21-001: A Request to Overturn the Planning Commission’s Decision on February 2, 2021, Approving Master Case No. 19-131 for Tentative Parcel Map No. 20196 (TPM No.19-020) and Design Review No. 19-041 along with the Adoption of an Initial Study, Mitigated Negative Declaration, and Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Program to Consolidate Two (2) Parcels into One (1) Parcel of Approximately 5.8 Acres and for a Proposed Warehouse Building Totaling Approximately 115,100 Square Feet on the West Side of Mango Avenue, North of Sierra Lakes Parkway (APNS: 1119-221-64 & -68)
A. Elected Officials Communications/ReportsADJOURNMENT:
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