November 19, 2019 Regular Planning Commission Meeting
Call to Order » - CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: A. Call To Order/Roll Call: INVOCATION/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: A. Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance:
Call to Order »
CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL:A. Call To Order/Roll Call:
A. Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance:
CONSENT CALENDAR: » - A. Approval of Minutes:
A. Approval of Minutes:»
A. Master Case No. 19-090; Conditional Use Permit No. 19-032 - Approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a small market to operate with a California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Type 21 (Off-Sale General) license and the revocation of former CUP No. 97-020.
A. Master Case No. 19-090; Conditional Use Permit No. 19-032 - Approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a small market to operate with a California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Type 21 (Off-Sale General) license and the revocation of former CUP No. 97-020.
B. Master Case No. 18-081; Conditional Use Permit No. 18-024; Design Review No. 18-020 - The Conditional Use Permit is a proposal to operate a truck sales, leasing and maintenance facility; and, the Design Review is a proposal to construct an approximately 25,456 square-foot truck leasing, sales and maintenance facility on approximately 5.68-acres of vacant land.
B. Master Case No. 18-081; Conditional Use Permit No. 18-024; Design Review No. 18-020 - The Conditional Use Permit is a proposal to operate a truck sales, leasing and maintenance facility; and, the Design Review is a proposal to construct an approximately 25,456 square-foot truck leasing, sales and maintenance facility on approximately 5.68-acres of vacant land.
C. Master Case No. 19-100; Design Review No. 19-032 - A Design Review request to construct 102 detached residences consisting of three (3) floor plans of approximately 2,210 square feet and approximately 2,443 square feet, including a model home complex. The homes are proposed on lots previously subdivided pursuant to Tentative Tract Map No. 17039.
C. Master Case No. 19-100; Design Review No. 19-032 - A Design Review request to construct 102 detached residences consisting of three (3) floor plans of approximately 2,210 square feet and approximately 2,443 square feet, including a model home complex. The homes are proposed on lots previously subdivided pursuant to Tentative Tract Map No. 17039.
D. Master Case No. 18-066R1; General Plan Amendment No. 19-002; Specific Plan Amendment No. 19-003; Design Review No. 19-010 - A request for the Planning Commission to recommend approval to the City Council for: 1) Adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and to direct staff to file a Notice of Determination; and, 2) General Plan Amendment No. 19-002; a request to change the General Plan Land Use Map on eight parcels (APN’s 1110-151-11, -12, -13, -34, -48, -49, -50, and -51) from General Commercial (C-G) to Light Industrial (I-L) on approximately 8.25adjusted gross acres; and, 3) Specific Plan Amendment No. 19-003; a request to change the Westend Specific Plan zoning from Commercial Light Industrial (CLI) to Rail Service Industrial (BP3) on approximately 8.25 adjusted gross acres; and, 4) Design Review No. 19-010; site and architectural review of a new 76,809 square foot warehouse building.
D. Master Case No. 18-066R1; General Plan Amendment No. 19-002; Specific Plan Amendment No. 19-003; Design Review No. 19-010 - A request for the Planning Commission to recommend approval to the City Council for: 1) Adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and to direct staff to file a Notice of Determination; and, 2) General Plan Amendment No. 19-002; a request to change the General Plan Land Use Map on eight parcels (APN’s 1110-151-11, -12, -13, -34, -48, -49, -50, and -51) from General Commercial (C-G) to Light Industrial (I-L) on approximately 8.25adjusted gross acres; and, 3) Specific Plan Amendment No. 19-003; a request to change the Westend Specific Plan zoning from Commercial Light Industrial (CLI) to Rail Service Industrial (BP3) on approximately 8.25 adjusted gross acres; and, 4) Design Review No. 19-010; site and architectural review of a new 76,809 square foot warehouse building.
E. Master Case No. 19-105; Design Review No. 19-034 - A request to approve the Design Review for site and architectural review for the construction of South Fontana Sports Park comprised of four (4) lighted soccer/football fields with artificial turf, along with a tot lot, picnic areas, shade structures, parking lots, trellis, restroom, walking paths, concession buildings, and storage buildings on an 18.2 acre site.
E. Master Case No. 19-105; Design Review No. 19-034 - A request to approve the Design Review for site and architectural review for the construction of South Fontana Sports Park comprised of four (4) lighted soccer/football fields with artificial turf, along with a tot lot, picnic areas, shade structures, parking lots, trellis, restroom, walking paths, concession buildings, and storage buildings on an 18.2 acre site.
DIRECTOR COMMUNICATIONS: » - A. Joint City Council and Planning Commission Workshop, December 10, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. B. Director Communications:
A. Joint City Council and Planning Commission Workshop, December 10, 2019 at 5:00 p.m.B. Director Communications:
COMMISSION COMMENTS: » - A. Planning Commission Remarks: ADJOURNMENT:
A. Planning Commission Remarks:ADJOURNMENT:
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